Alkaline Water
It is important to hydrate the body with alkalizing water. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water. Food cravings are often the body's cry for water. A thirst for water will begin as one begins to hydrate with water.
A diet high in acid foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits and bread, causes acid wastes to build up in the body. When acid wastes enter our blood stream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle, they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon, and other locations.
The breakdown of this disposal process of acid waste could also be called "the aging process". To slow down and reverse this process, one must begin by removing this over-acidification of the blood and tissues by including liberal amounts of alkaline water in the diet. Alkaline water has a pH between 9 and 11, and will neutralize harmful stored acid wastes and gently remove them from the tissues. Your water filter can alkalize your drinking water and also create acid water, both beneficial:
Benefits of Alkaline Water – Internal Use
Regulates blood pressure
Helps digestive problems
Balances body's pH
Reduce acidosis
Reverse Aging
Increased Energy
Urea stones dissolved
Good antioxidant source
Cooked foods and beverages requiring water taste better
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